Sleep Training Twins


Is sleep training twins really that much different than sleep training just one baby? Not entirely. The biggest concern for most parents of multiples is that one’s crying will wake up the other. But there are a few key things to make it easier on yourself!

Five Tips to Help Your Twins Sleep Better!

  1. Learn their individual sleep cues. Just because their DNA is similar doesn’t mean their habits are! One may have very distinct sleepy cues and the other very subtle.

  2. The hardest part of sleep training is naptime. So for twins I always recommend separating for naps. You don’t necessarily have to have a whole other room for one. I’ve seen parents get pretty creative! All you need is a space big enough for a pack n play. Use a SlumberPod to recreate that nice, pitch black environment and a white noise machine and voila! You can use my code MINDFULSLEEP20 to get $20 off your SlumberPod order!

  3. Naptime isn’t just for babies! It’s also a time for you to relax or catch up on things. This is key for your sanity! So for this reason I like to have both babies on a similar schedule. If one wakes up from a nap, wake the other up within 15-30 minutes so that you can still put them both down at the same time for the next nap.

  4. You can keep them in the same room for nighttime sleep training. Nighttime sleep is typically easier. Why? Because the hormone responsible for helping them fall asleep (melatonin), is much higher at night. This makes it easier for one twin to sleep through another’s middle of the night wake-up.

  5. If keeping a night feed or following a wean down process, you don’t have to wake the other for a feed! Make sleep the priority and they can catch up on calories during the day. Note: You may find that one twin drops night feeds sooner than the other!


Sleep Training Support

Want 1:1 support with a customized plan for sleep training your twins?

The best part: It’s TWO for the price of ONE. That’s right! Twin parents have double the expense when it comes to all the baby things. I don’t believe that sleep training should have to be one of them.


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